Parakeet Sings Excitedly

Here we have a recording of a single parakeet single excitedly intermixed with periods of relaxed contentment. Keeping your parakeet happy is the ultimate goal of any pet owner and involves looking after their immediate needs. 

Make sure your bird is well feed and their water supply is full, clean and easily accessible. Remove anything around that cage that might cause them to feel stress - especially other pets such as cats or dogs. 

Also learn to recognize the signs to might indicate your bird is sick such as unusually colored droppings ( yellowish or black ), ruffled feathers, inflamed or runny cere ( area above beak ), cloudy eyes and a reduced appetite.

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More Parakeet Facts :

  • In the wild, native Australian parakeets ( known as budgerigars ) have an all green plumage. Colored variations we see in pet shops are the result of mutations and selective breeding.
  • Parakeets were first exported to England where they proved extremely popular as pets. British parakeet fanciers developed many variations and increased the overall size of the birds. Larger birds with pronounced foreheads and even spots are highly prized in parakeet shows. Now England exports prize winning birds back to Australia for large sums of money !
  • The parakeets body may contain as many as several thousand feathers.