Male Parakeet Screaming, Chirping and Calling to Mate

In this recording you can hear a male parakeet chirping away with a few little tisks here and there. He also gets a bit flustered in the middle section. In the background we can hear a second parakeet. Perhaps there is a bit of an argument going on or he is simply trying to get the second bird's attention. 

Screaming in parakeets is one way for them to express discomfort but it is also used as a means of becoming the loudest male in the cage. This is a form of mating game - the loudest bird can appear more attractive to nearby females.

If you have a single bird in a cage which is constantly screaming it could be a sign of boredom, discomfort, pain or hunger. 

I hope you enjoy this simple recording. I find it quite a relaxing one despite the screams. It's a nice one to put on loop and play in the background as a form ambient background music.

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More Parakeet Facts :

  • Parakeets are relatively cheap to buy if you are seeking a no frills ( i.e non prize show type ) bird. Average cost for pet shop parakeet is $20-30.
  • Due the extremely high competitive nature of show bird breeding, parakeet fanciers are occasionally the victims of theft and in some case "assassination" of their champion birds by rival breeders. High level breeders now install security camera and alarm system to protect their birds.